About Me

My name is Chassity and I'm a 32 year old Army Wife and stay-at-home-mom to two little ones. My entire family has a "C" name, from my parents and sisters down to my husband, and now my daughter and son! That being said, my children are my inspiration in life and in my shop, hence the name Two Little C's. I've always loved to create things and draw since as long as I can remember and just knew that one day I wanted to work for myself. 

My mother taught me to crochet and knit at a very young age. It was the only way she could get any time to finish her own projects because my younger sisters and I would constantly interrupt her and ask her what she was doing. She figured that by teaching us needlework that we might sit still for a while, something every mother loves, right

I crocheted on and off while I was growing up but couldn't make more than a blanket or pot holders, LOL. Written patterns eluded me until you day I decided to sit down and figure it out until I got it. I was never taught what the stitches were called, just how to do them, so I was determined to learn the ins and outs of crochet. This was before there were so many resources on the internet like youtube.

In 2006, being pregnant with my daughter made me want to share the love I felt for crocheted work with my baby by making her blankets, hats, and booties. While searching for patterns I came across the wonderful world of amigurumi. (Japanese word for stitched doll.) I had never heard of it and was amazed by some of the work that I was seeing online. There is such a large community out there and I just fell in love with it all. 

By working on free patterns that I had found online I was able to see how they were constructed and learned so much more about crochet and about myself. Since then I have learned to create my own patterns and now create things I really love from scratch. My daughter has really been my inspiration in it all and I just love to create for her. If she won't play with it then I won't sell it. Her little hands have always inspired me to try new things and see what she likes. Though I've always had a cutesy, girly style about my design, my son has now opened my eyes to boyish colors and themes as well.  :)

In 2009 I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome due to my passion for needlework. Though it can be painful at times, I just can't live without crochet. I tried it, but giving up needlework entirely just isn't an option for me, hehe. Now I love to try and incorporate my crochet with other work that I love to do, like jewelry and crafting. There's so much to explore and I now hope to be able to share that with you in my shop.

Thank you so much for reading my bio and I hope you enjoy my blog!  :D